Monday office space

industrial #4

So did you really think I haven't visited the office space while discovering the FSO old buildings? Wrong ;) Of course I went up the stairs and here is what I found…

Enjoy the ride!


Naturalnie zwiedzając fabrykę FSO wbiegłam po schodach by uchwycić kilka interesujących kadrów… Oceńcie sami czy było warto!

l o w

 There are pictures (and songs) that catch my eye (or ear). They hold tight and do not want to let go.

The weekend is coming. And LENNY sings ...#low


Don't lift me up
To turn me down
I just want a lover
Baby stay with me on the ground
Talk with me, let me go
Got to keep below
Talk with me, let me go
Got to keep below

Benajarafe, Malaga, April 2018


SÄ… obrazy (i utwory), które przykuwajÄ… moje oko (i ucho). TrzymajÄ… mocno i nie chcÄ… puÅ›cić. 

Idzie weekend. a LENNY na to...#low


Don't lift me up
To turn me down
I just want a lover
Baby stay with me on the ground
Talk with me, let me go
Got to keep below
Talk with me, let me go
Got to keep below

everyday city night

We decided to catch the last days of the city xmass lights, or to be exact nights. Little G loved it so much that she felt asleep soon after we arrived. I would do the same but someone had to carry us back home. So I did, right after catching a few moments of Wilanów.



Poszłyśmy na spacer złapać jeszcze miejskie światełka świąteczne. Małej G tak się spodobało, że usnęła zaraz po tym jak dojechałyśmy na miejsce. Poszłabym w jej ślady ale kto by wówczas zaniósł nas do domu? Uchwyciłam więc kilka chwil wieczornego Wilanowa - popatrzcie!

stroller - stokke